Learn How to Use Gongs to Heal and Bring Balance
1. An introduction to the Science, Art & Alchemy of our unique Integral Sound Healing process
2. Foundational and more advanced knowledge, skills and techniques for working with Gongs for sound healing, including:
Introduction to Gongs, the different types of gongs, the craft of gong making and the history of the gong
Healing with Gongs using basic techniques for Gongs on stands
Healing with Gongs using hand held Gongs
Mallets and how to use them including specialty mallets and friction mallets
Overview of more advanced techniques and applications
3. How to bring it all together for:
Personal self-care and spiritual evolution
1 to 1 sound healing sessions
Sound baths for various groups
These two day workshops are hands on practical workshops that teach the theory and practice of sound healing with gongs. Scientific studies, ancient Shamanic practices and ways of healing will be presented. We will cover playing methods, brain entrainment, trance techniques, working with multiple instruments together as well as how to craft a healing session with gongs. Large gongs on stands and hand held gongs will be used in these workshops. Demonstrations of techniques and break out groups will provide direct experience for the methods presented. No instruments needed as there will be an assortment of instruments available to play.